The Red Sea, and Miracles!

Question: How did Moses part the Red Sea?  Was it a shallow area that could be easily crossed or was it a miraculous splitting of the sea?


The main point here, is that either people accept the Bible, or they don’t!

The Bible cannot be taken seriously, if people want to try to diminish or explain the Miracles which are recorded for History, and the eventual working out of Almighty God’s planning for the benefit of Mankind; and the defeat of Evil/Satan!

There is a reason that Habakkuk 2:4 states “the just shall live by Faith” , which applies to all the wonders in the Bible; and especially that of Christ Jesus’ “Gift of Eternal life”; for all that believe in Him; Who is the result of Gen. 3:15; and John 3:16!

It does one well to rest in 2Tim 3:16–17!


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